"Talent is the n°1 priority for a CEO. You think it’s about vision and strategy, but you have to get the right people first."
Andrea Jung
RTA methodology
About us
We are a boutique executive search and talent advisory firm.
We work with business pioneers, fast moving tech unicorns, highly respected corporates, and gritty small & mid-caps, in EMEA and APAC.
We do things differently, with a senior team of search professionals and former executives, always working in pairs.
We solve talent issues, be it acquisition, assessment, development and retention.
What we do
Our client services can take the following forms :
Cx0 level
- Executive Search,
- Confidential Market mapping,
- Top management “stress test” (benchmarking the internal candidates with the best in the market),
- Succession Planning,
Enterprise level
- Audit & Advisory,
- Benchmarks (compensation & organization),
- “Route to the top” best pratice analysis,
- Talent funnel (on a yearly basis, a dynamic market survey for new talents in specific positions, presented on a rolling basis),
- “Counter-factual” shortlist (audit of the current skill sets in your organization versus the business challenges & the talent market).
How we work
At RTA, we do not oppose Senior Consultants -in charge of business development and client relationship- with junior researchers actually doing the search. We believe our credibility lies in knowing both sides. Thus:
- Senior consultants do all their own work. Research, candidate relationship, client relationship.
- All missions are followed by two consultants: one leading the project, one support.
We are a niche player, and our model has little leverage. But we intimately know our markets, candidates and clients.
What we believe in
We believe…
- in being small and global,
- our core business and only assets are client relationships,
- candidates are also our clients,
- talent advisory goes beyond search,
- a discussion about talent is a discussion about business strategy,
- in working for a limited number of selected clients,
- in acting as career advisors to our candidates.
The RTA search methodology

The remora fish is a short and not particularly pretty fish, but also a fearless and rather nimble one.
It attaches itself to large sharks, rays and whales, and much like the pilot fish, has a symbiotic and mutually beneficial relationship with its host.
West Indies aborigines called the remoras their “hunting fishes”. They used them by attaching a line to their tails; the remora would swim off and attach itself to a large fish or sea turtle, which would then be pulled in by the fishermen.
Remora is named after the remora fish because we think a small fish can help much bigger ones, provided it is agile and smart.
The fact we love scuba diving also helped, as did the symbolism in Mandarin (the character for fish, yu, is pronounced the same as the character for “abundance”).